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The Flamingo of Motherhood: Renewing Color Through Life’s Challenges


Updated: Apr 1, 2023

We all know the iconic image of a flamingo—the stunning, pink bird standing on one of its legs adorning tropical beaches and swamps. Flamingos have been a source of inspiration for many; a strong representation of the beauty of birds and the natural wonders of the world.

Flamingos and Motherhood

It may come as a surprise that the lives of flamingos are strikingly similar to the lives of postpartum mothers. How do these special birds connect to human mothers? Like mothers, flamingos experience a process of physical and emotional transformation during the nesting period, when they take care of their babies. Sound familiar?

Flamingos begin to lose their color during this critical nesting stage because the hormones responsible for pigmentation decrease. This causes the birds’ feathers to turn from the well-known vibrant pinks to duller colors. When a flamingo—either male or female—is raising a young chick and feeding them crop milk, it drains them of energy and nutrients. They give so much of their food to their offspring, their pink coloring can dull or disappear.¹ Some even revert to black or white!

The same thing happens to postpartum mothers due to the hormonal imbalances caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding. They too start to lose their “vibrant colors,” so to speak. They are entering a new journey, full of love and joy. However, that doesn’t mean it is always butterflies and rainbows. There are challenges mixed in with the beautiful chaos. So, like the stunning flamingos, the beautiful mothers also change after their babies.

Blessings and Challenges

As you embrace this precious journey, it will bring a love that you truly don’t know exists until you experience it for yourself. Having your baby wakes up a part of you that was never present before. Yes, you will have wonderful memories and special moments with your little love.

However, challenges are normal. And you are not alone. Everyone’s experiences are different, but they all include difficulties, as well. You may find yourself crying one day, and you can’t explain it. Or maybe you are having a day where you feel “off”. Almost like you don’t have emotions. Along with those feelings, other common experiences include:

  • Baby blues

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Mentally and emotionally exhausted

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Overwhelming amount of joy

  • Frustration

  • Overstimulated

  • Overwhelmed

It is important to remember you aren’t alone. Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling, give yourself grace, and be patient with yourself.

It is important to take care of yourself after having your baby. You need to get plenty of rest—ask for help if you have a support system. Eat healthy food whenever you can and get enough water. If you need help with physical activities while you recover, ask family and friends to lend a helping hand or hire a postpartum doula. Take time out of each day to do something special for yourself—a relaxing bath, a favorite treat, or a quiet moment to connect with your baby. Once you have established a routine and recovered physically, you will gradually feel better. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You deserve to be your best self, so take care of yourself.

Regaining Your Colors

Just like flamingos, however, postpartum mothers regain their colors again. Once their babies become self-sufficient and leave the nest, flamingos’ hormones normalize and their colors return. The same goes for mothers. On average, it takes women one year to level hormones back to pre-pregnancy. Along with getting additional sleep and self-care once their baby is older. When babies become a little more independent, post-partum women can reclaim their old colors vivid pink, and identify with the person they used to be pre-pregnancy—only as a mother now.

It is easier said than done but don’t let the hard days hit so hard that they knock you down. Know that you are special, blessed, remarkable, and strong. Understand that while you adore your child, it is a season of difficulty and challenges. Enjoy your moments with your baby. You will cherish them for years to come. You will have later to regain your pink, but for now, enjoy the season of being beautifully dull.

The story of a mother’s journey is like the story of a flamingo. Both go through a phase of selfless sacrifice, devotion, and love to take care of their young. But they also get to the other side, with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of life and of themselves.


“Flamingo.” San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants,

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